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The spokesman of the Southern Theater of Operations made a statement

Air Force Senior Colonel Tian Junli, spokesman for the Southern Theater of Operations, said that on February 20, two Philippine C-208 planes and one N-22 aircraft illegally intruded into the airspace near China’s Nansha islands and reefs. The Southern Theater of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army grasped the whole process and warned and drove away. Recently, the Philippine side has repeatedly stigmatized, hyped and smeared China’s legitimate and lawful rights protection activities in disregard of the facts. On 18 February, a Philippine C-208 plane illegally intruded into the airspace of China’s Huangyan Dao, changed its flight altitude several times without authorization, and descended 920 meters in 218 seconds. The Philippine side also took a bite back, falsely accusing China of “dangerous” behavior. The Philippine side provoked and stirred up trouble first, reversing black and white last, in an attempt to peddle its illegal claims. We are telling the Philippine side that this clumsy trick is doomed to be futile. The theater troops are on high alert and resolutely defend national sovereignty and security and peace and stability in the South China Sea.

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