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Hundreds of people arrested! Cambodia's electric fraud building was ended!

On February 23, Mr. Jirayoth, spokesman of the Prime Minister’s Office and adviser to the Prime Minister, revealed that on the morning of the 23rd, Prime Minister Petuntan received a report from the Director General of the National Police of Thailand, General Jidira, saying that Thailand has cooperated with Cambodia to solve problems related to telecommunications fraud.

The Thai side received the latest news from the Cambodian police, saying that after receiving a secret report, the staff raided a 3-storey building in Poipet, Banteay Meanchey Province, Cambodia, and seized a large wire fraud gang in the building, with a total of 215 wire fraud personnel in the gang all foreigners, including 109 Thais and 106 foreigners.
109 Thais, 55 males and 54 females;
The 105 foreigners include 5 Taiwanese, 50 Pakistanis, 3 Indonesians, and 48 Indians.

Thai media said that at present, the above 215 foreigners (including Thais) are currently under investigation by the Cambodian authorities, and they will be deported after the police confirm their entry and relevant records.

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