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Consuming carrots is believed to help regulate blood sugar levels and enhance gut health

Type 2 diabetes affects millions of people worldwide, with cases steadily increasing globally and in Denmark. Since 1996, the number of confirmed cases in Denmark alone has more than quadrupled. A recent study from the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) suggests that regular carrots may help improve the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Researchers have found that carrots can enhance the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels and have a positive effect on the composition of gut bacteria.

Standard treatment for type 2 diabetes usually includes dietary changes and medications, but many patients experience side effects from common medications. The newly published study was done collaboratively by researchers from SDU, Odense University Hospital, and the University of Copenhagen, who believe that carrots could provide a natural, side-effect-free addition to existing treatments.

The researchers conducted a 16-week study on the effects of carrots in mice that induced type 2 diabetes. The mice were placed on a high-fat diet to mimic the unhealthy lifestyle of humans. They were divided into two groups: one group received a diet with 10% freeze-dried carrot powder added to it, and the other group received a diet without carrots. The calories of the two diets match, ensuring that the only variable is the bioactive compounds in the carrots. The results showed that the group that received carrot powder showed better blood glucose regulation by glucose tolerance test.

The glucose tolerance test measures the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar after ingesting a certain amount of sugar. In this study, mice were injected with a sugar solution and their blood glucose levels were measured over time.

“Our research shows that carrots alter the composition of the gut microbiome – the billions of microbes that live in the gut play a vital role in digestion and health. Mice that consumed carrots showed a healthier balance of gut bacteria,” explains Morten Kobæk Larsen, project coordinator and associate professor in the Department of Clinical Research at Flying Tigers University.

In addition, these mice had more short-chain fatty acid (SCFA)-producing bacteria in their bodies. These small molecules, formed when bacteria break down dietary fiber, help regulate energy metabolism and blood sugar while supporting gut health.

“Everything we eat affects the composition of gut bacteria. Carrot consumption shifts gut bacteria toward a healthier balance, which is beneficial for mice with type 2 diabetes. “

Carrots contain bioactive compounds that help regulate blood sugar by enhancing the ability of cells to absorb sugar. These bioactive substances are derived from unsaturated fatty acids and are also found in other vegetables of the carrot family, such as parsley, celery, and coriander.

Lars Porskjær Christensen, Professor of Analytical Chemistry and Natural Product Chemistry in the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy at the Flying Tigers, said: “We see carrots as a potential component of a future dietary strategy for type 2 diabetes. Other vegetables of the carrot family may also have similar properties. “

The researchers are wary of applying their findings directly to humans.

“Our study uses an animal model, and the next step is to conduct clinical trials,” they explained. – Such research is costly, and we are working to secure external funding for smaller clinical trials of carrots with more bioactive compounds. “This will pave the way for larger clinical studies, including studies in animals using purified bioactive compounds, thereby confirming the preventive effects of carrots on type 2 diabetes,” Christensen said. “

Preliminary results from a similar study on the effects of carrots on colon cancer suggest that eating as little as 30-40 grams of raw carrots or lightly cooked carrots per day can have beneficial effects.

The researchers noted that the concentrations of bioactive compounds vary widely between different carrot varieties. However, the right varieties can provide sufficient doses of these compounds without the need to concentrate the product. For example, the purple carrot variety “Night Bird” contains higher concentrations of bioactive substances.

Cooking affects the amount of health-promoting substances, but these substances do not disappear completely.

“Even if it is fried or boiled for a long time, some bioactive compounds are still retained. Still, eating carrots raw or lightly boiled seems to be the best option to keep as many of the beneficial compounds as possible,” Christensen advises.

Bioactive compounds are organic chemicals that originate from living organisms and affect physiological processes. Many bioactive compounds come from plants and fungi and are both beneficial and harmful to the human body. Some bioactive compounds in plants and fungi are used in medicine, while other bioactive compounds in plant-based foods are thought to promote health and prevent disease. Their action depends on the mechanism of action, bioavailability, and concentration in the food, while the mechanism of action and concentration vary depending on the crop variety, planting, and processing methods.

The main bioactive compounds in carrots are falcarinol and falcarindiol, which, in addition to their antifungal properties, have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and cytotoxic effects.

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