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In 2025, Jiangsu will implement the intangible cultural heritage "seed plan", which plans to recruit 25 students

The reporter was informed that the intangible cultural heritage “seed plan” funded by the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and the Provincial Women’s Children’s Fund will open (three-year) in the Provincial Drama School in 2025 Jiangsu Province urgently needs to protect the intangible cultural heritage representative projects (traditional drama, traditional music, quyi) opera performance, opera music professional committee training class, a total of 25 students are planned to be enrolled. The training class of the committee intends to recruit students in the third stage of junior high school in Jiangsu Province, and the specific enrollment plan is subject to the approval of the Provincial Department of Education in that year.

It is reported that in 2024, the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism will identify 38 representative projects of intangible cultural heritage in urgent need of protection, and clearly give key support in the provincial intangible cultural heritage protection fund subsidy. In 2025, the implementation of the intangible cultural heritage “seed plan” will enroll 25 students in the two professional programs of opera performance and opera music, which are divided into seven directions: (puppet show) Qidu marionette, children’s play, Huaihong opera, Yangzhou Taoism, Hongkou silk strings, Yangzhou folk songs, and Nanjing commentary. This enrollment is for Qidu Town, Wujiang District, Suzhou City, Shuyang County Huaihai Opera Troupe Performance Co., Ltd., Jiangdu District Yang Opera Troupe, Liyang Tin Opera Troupe, Yangzhou Cultural Center, Nanjing Qinhuai Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum and other units. (Reporter Zhang Nan)

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