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23.1 meters! Lianyungang Port set a new record for the largest draft

The “Brazil” is ready to berth

Yangtze Evening News (correspondent Wang Junsheng, reporter Zhang Lingfei) On the afternoon of February 24, after nearly two hours of ship-shore linkage, the “Brazil” ship with a draft of 23.1 meters and a load of 394,200 tons of iron ore successfully berthed at Berth 87 of Lianyungang Port, setting a new historical record for the largest draft of ships entering the port since the opening of the port.

For a long time, with the strong support of the port unit, the receiving and unloading capacity of the 400,000-ton ore wharf of Lianyungang Port has been fully released. The refresh of the ship’s draft record fully demonstrates the excellent ability of Lianyungang Port in dealing with the berthing operations of ultra-large ships.

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