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A new high! The total box office of "Nezha's Demon Boy in the Sea" exceeded 14 billion yuan

As of 16:59 on February 27th, the global box office (including pre-sales) of the film “Nezha the Demon Child: The Battle at the Sea” has exceeded 14 billion yuan.

Since its release on the first day of the Lunar New Year, “Nezha: The Demon Boy in the Sea” has broken a number of film history records in one fell swoop, becoming the first film in Chinese film history to break 10 billion yuan at the box office. Just like the plot of the film, the blood is “high” all the way, and “Demon Boy” Nezha continues to bravely enter the global film box office list, topping the global animated film box office list, temporarily ranking 8th in the global film history box office list.

The amazing special effects of “Nezha’s Demon Boy in the Sea” are a vivid portrayal of China’s cultural innovation and the rapid development of the cultural industry. “It’s valuable to make content that the audience hasn’t seen and that can cause a strong visual impact.” The team of “Nezha’s Demon Boy in the Sea” has held up a new peak of Chinese animated films with an uncompromising and unyielding attitude.

“I am very encouraged by the development of the animation market in China.” Tony Bancroft, director of Disney’s animated film “Mulan”, said in a recent interview with the media that “Nezha’s Demon Boy in the Sea” shocked him deeply, “I can’t wait to watch Nezha’s third part.” It is hoped that the practitioners of China’s animation film industry will bring more excitement to the world. ”

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