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The 100% pass rate of the postgraduate entrance examination of Jiangsu No. 1 Vocational College was questioned, and the teacher responded

On February 26, Jiangsu Xuzhou Industrial Vocational and Technical College issued a document: The school’s 2025 undergraduate students have achieved another good result in the postgraduate entrance examination, and all the students who are admitted to graduate school are online, with a pass rate of 100%.

Some netizens questioned “Is there only one person taking the exam?” Some netizens said, “Isn’t it a specialty?” Are there any undergraduates? Who’s going to popularize science? ”

On the 28th, the staff of the undergraduate college of Xuzhou Industrial Vocational and Technical College told Jiupai News that a total of 8 students applied for the examination this time, and all of them passed the theater line.

It said that the undergraduate college has been established for two years, and last year, 7 students passed the academy, with a pass rate of 70%. Students are part of the “4+0” joint training program and come from different undergraduate colleges.

According to public information, Xuzhou Industrial Vocational and Technical College is the construction unit of the national “Double High Plan”, and the undergraduate college will be established and operated in 2023, innovating the “college + college” education model.

According to the official website of the school, this achievement marks the outstanding results of the training model of vocational bachelor’s degree and professional degree master’s degree, and provides “practical experience” for subsequent students.

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