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Fight against stubborn diseases for 5 years! Singer Fang Datong died at the age of 41

On March 1, singer Fang Datong’s independent music label @Fu Music FUMUSIC released a message saying: Facing the stubborn illness with a positive attitude for 5 years, Fang Datong left this world calmly and serenely on the morning of February 21, 2025, and went to another area of his life journey to continue his mission and dreams. His legacy of music and graphic novels is an eternal spiritual treasure.

On October 18, 2024, Fang Datong’s new album “The Dreamer” was officially launched. After 2016’s “JTW Journey to the West”, this is the first time in 8 years that Fangda has released a new album at the same time.

Fang Datong posted that this was a “special project in illness”, saying that the album was recorded at different stages of illness. It was both a challenge and a way out of the monotony of the situation for me at the time. Although his physical condition has improved considerably, it will take some time to fully recover.

Fight against stubborn diseases for 5 years! Singer Fang Datong died at the age of 41

In this album, many listeners said that Fang Datong’s voice sounded changed and felt more hoarse.

In a talk show with blogger Hopico, Fang Datong said that he disappeared some time ago, and illness was a major reason. As for the voice change, on the one hand, it is because I am getting older, “I may be old”, and on the other hand, because illness affects my breathing function, which leads to a change in my voice. According to Hong Kong media reports, in 2010, Fang Datong was hospitalized several times due to overwork and lung burst (pneumothorax).

According to public information, Fang Datong (Khalil Fong), born on July 14, 1983 in Hawaii, USA, is a Chinese pop male singer, songwriter, music producer, film producer, and film and television actor. He lived in Shanghai and Guangzhou, settled in Hong Kong in 1997, and released his first solo album “Soulboy” in 2005.

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