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Zheng Gongcheng, deputy to the National People's Congress: called for the abolition of the 35-year-old employment threshold

This year’s government work report proposes to promote full employment, improve the quality of employment, and resolutely correct all kinds of employment discrimination. Zheng Gongcheng, deputy to the National People’s Congress, president of the Chinese Social Security Association and professor of the Chinese People’s University, put forward the “Proposal on Resolutely Correcting Age Discrimination in the Employment Field”.

Zheng Gongcheng found in the survey that at present, age discrimination in China’s employment market is widespread, especially the phenomenon of 35-year-old restriction on entry, which seriously affects the employment of young people, resulting in the waste of human resources and the structural contradiction of employment. He suggested that the competent authorities should clean up the policy documents with age discrimination, formulate special action plans, and strive to establish a social atmosphere against age discrimination in employment within three to five years; It is recommended that the state clarify the leading role of government organs and institutions in correcting employment discrimination, and accept social supervision. Establish channels for appeals of age discrimination in employment and a public interest litigation system, urging employers to self-examine recruitment announcements and correct age restrictions without justifiable reasons; It is recommended that the relevant laws be amended to include anti-employment discrimination and provide clear legal regulations to achieve equal employment and promote social justice and modernization.

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