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Show off new skills! Cycling to Stitch the Grapes Millisecond-level interactive humanoid robot released

CCTV News: Recently, there have been new works in the field of embodied intelligence, that is, agents with physical entities that can interact with the environment through perception and action.

A brand new humanoid robot was released in Shanghai. Riding a bike, pedaling a scooter, and playing with a balance bike, the 1.3-meter-tall robot unlocks new motor skills and allows for delicate operations such as stitching grapes. The robot has 28 degrees of freedom throughout the body and is equipped with a multi-modal interaction model, which can achieve millisecond-level interactive responses, and accurately judge and respond through human facial expressions and voice intonation.

In addition, based on the large model of the embodied base, the robot initially has the ability to generalize the operating object with zero samples. For example, it can “draw inferences” from different cups just by learning the video of humans pouring water, without repeating training for different shapes of cups, which also marks a step closer to the application direction of embodied intelligence to generalization and openness.

It is understood that this robot may be used in various scenarios such as health care, service, and family companionship in the future.

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