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There is a sense of urgency called "the country calls you to lose weight" The National Health Commission promoted the "Weight Management Year" action

A few days ago, at the press conference on the theme of people’s livelihood at the third session of the 14th National People’s Congress, Lei Haichao, director of the National Health Commission, said that he would continue to promote the “Weight Management Year” action and called on the general public to pay attention to weight management. Lei Haichao pointed out that the current problem of overweight and obesity among Chinese residents is serious, which has become one of the main factors endangering health, and is closely related to the increase in the incidence of chronic diseases. In order to deal with this problem, the “Healthy China 2030” planning outline has clearly proposed to focus on prevention and highlight the move forward. In June last year, the National Health Commission and 16 departments launched the “Year of Weight Management” activity. In the future, the National Health Commission will promote the work from publicity and the establishment of weight clinics to provide professional weight management services for the public. Lei Haichao emphasized that individuals should become the first responsible person for their own health, pay attention to weight management, start from small things, and develop good living habits.

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